Open System Tray > Boxcryptor > Settings > Advanced
Start with Windows
Check for updates
Click Show more settigns
Enable recycle bin
Auto detect removable drives
Auto detect network drives
Hide Boxcryptor drive from Windows Explorer’s navigation pane
Enabling recycling bin, mounts Boxcryptor as a fixed drive which makes it a removable drive,
thus by default Windows shows it in the top level of the navigation pane. To disable:
to revert this change: New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\{CA9A9348-B9BC-455E-80DC-8E803145F80B}" -Value "Boxcryptor"
Redirect This PC folders
How to redirect a Folder in This PC:
Open Properties > Location > Move
Enter the new path and click OK
If asked wether to move the files click Yes
Redirect the following folders
Desktop = D:\Desktop
Documents = D:\OneDrive\Documents
Downloads = D:\Download
Music = X:\OneDrive\Musicᴱ
Videos = X:\OneDrive\Videosᴱ
Pictures = X:\OneDrive\Picturesᴱ
3D Objects = X:\OneDrive\3D-Objectsᴱ
Manually set Pictures folder
if redirecting Pictures fails, do the following
Open Registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders