Make a script self-elevating

# Ensure script is running elevated
if (-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).
    IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::"Administrator")) {
    if ((Get-Command wt.exe) -ne $null) {
        Start-Process wt "powershell -File $PSCommandPath -ExecutionPolicy Bypass" -Verb RunAs
    else {
        Start-Process powershell "-File $PSCommandPath -ExecutionPolicy Bypass" -Verb RunAs

Make a PowerShell script a standalone executable script by
pasting the following snippets at the beginning of a script and by
adding .bat to the file extension like script.ps1.bat
Script cannot be started relatively like modules\script.ps1.bat
This bypasses the Execution Policy for PowerShell scripts.

Make script executable

# & cls & powershell -Command "Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(((Get-Content """%0""") -join [Environment]::NewLine)))" & exit
# Script is executable when renamed *.cmd or *.bat

Make script executable and persistent

# & cls & powershell -NoExit -Command "Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(((Get-Content """%0""") -join [Environment]::NewLine)))" & exit
# Script is executable and persistent when renamed *.cmd or *.bat

Make script executable and self-elevating

# & cls & powershell -Command Start-Process wt -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList """PowerShell.exe -Command cd "%CD%" `n Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(((Get-Content %0) -join [Environment]::NewLine)))""" & exit
# Script is executable and self-elevating when renamed *.cmd or *.bat

Make script executable, self-elevating and persistent

# & cls & powershell -Command Start-Process wt -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList """PowerShell.exe -NoExit -Command cd "%CD%" `n Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create(((Get-Content %0) -join [Environment]::NewLine)))""" & exit
# Script is executable, self-elevating and persistent when renamed *.cmd or *.bat


Command Prompt

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