thumbnail Factorio - A game about automation, logistics and network optimizations is a gaming app. Factorio is a game in which you build and maintain factories.

Tips to play the game

Aspects of the game





  • Move around using personal resupply trains or by hijacking regular trains
  • Drive parallelly to the terrain VehicleSnap
  • Cruise drive on paved roads incentivizes you to build mobility infrastructure Pavement Drive Assist

Remote access, far reach

Possible phases of the game

Early game

  • Logistics: spaghetti
  • modular armor with loaded up shields
  • build pollution stuff in chunks with many trees, trees damaging obsorbs 10 pollution
  • Build row of 8 assemblers
  • change assembler recipes instead of belt automation
  • build in surrounding chunks to prevent biter expansion
  • leave one wide gap between turrets
  • mark wall for deconstruction to make them only-player-passable
  • Can you beat FACTORIO when the Biters start at 100% EVOLUTION - Full Movie (edited) - YouTube


  • Build spontaneously instead of planning ahead. The factory can easily be moved. Future requirements can usually be better implemented with a new factory section instead of upgrading existing ones.
  • If you hand-craft something you should probably add it to your mall.
  • If you are afk to wait for something to finish, a research or crafting
  • If hand-crafting takes too long, use assembling machines with speed modules
  • Don’t play afk to wait for a research to finish, improve your production instead
  • Don’t use buffers. They make seeing your actual production harder.
  • Don’t drive trains manually. Temporary stops are much safe to travel with.
  • Overproduce instead of balancing the output precisely

Defence, Outposts

  • Don’t attack from the north, less visibility
  • Biters attack polluting machines (boiler, drills, pumpjack, refinery) and military targets (radar, walls, turrets)
  • Space out turrets at almost double shotting range to catch at incoming biters, temporarily space turret in the mittle to show ideal distance
  • Build outposts instead of walling in everything, which gets hard to expand
  • Kill the nests in your pollution cloud
  • Move half of the resource patch’s ores in the opposite direction in order to increase mining on the richer center
  • All outposts stations should be reachable independently from a bidirectional connection to the railroad
  • Wall of turrets with a one wide gap to prevent biters from reaching over
  • Leave 1 wide gap between turrets to prevent slash damage
  • Place distanced flamethrower turrets
  • Place repair roboports as far from wall as possible to let the flamethrower fire disappear before the bots reach the wall
  • Round of wall edges
  • Turret creep: Not have more entities in the blueprint than your personal roboports (10 robots each) can build at once to force the power to be built on the first flight, no corner turrets
  • Power armor: charge batteries with solar panels, replace with shields
  • Built roboport network in separate rectangles, so bots don’t fly out of it


  • Use double headed trains on bidirectional outposts and connect them with directional railroads
  • Personal resupply train that can refill from the mall
  • Refuel trains automatically Automatic Train Fuel Stop
  • Place rails everywhere you want to visit like mall, defenses, miners
  • Refuel stop that auto detect train length

Tweak game aspects - Does this mod go to far?

External Sites


  • Picket Dollies: Move combinators
  • Tree Xray: See below trees
  • Temporary Stop Default: No 5s restart timer
NameThumbnailModportal linksCategoriesDescription
Task ListMod portalCollaboration, Organisation, MultiplayerKeep track of your tasks in a simple and unobtrusive interface. Similar to Todo List.
Automatic Train Fuel StopMod portalContent, TrainsThis mod allows trains with low fuel to automatically enter the fuel stop to replenish fuel.
Ore EraserMod portalEnvironmentAdds the Ore Eraser toolbox shortcut which allows you to erase ore from the map. Resources to be deleted selectable through player based runtime settings. Krastorio 2 support.
Simple Landfill MiningMod portalEnvironmentLets players mine landfill so you can fix those mistakes you make.
Remove requester, buffer, activer provider chestsMod portalLogistic networkMakes the requester, buffer and activer provider chests unplaceable. Does not remove their items, recipes or technology.
Recipe BookMod portalPlanningSearch for information about machines, materials, recipes, and technology in a clean, easy-to-use interface. Similar to FNEI and What is it Really Used For.
Belt ReverserMod portalQuality of lifeReverse entire segments of belt
Unstoppable by Cliffs ForceMod portalSimplifierNature thinks some mere cliffs can stop progress? Not on my watch. I will destroy every single cliff with my bare hands if I need to.
Wire ShortcutsMod portalSimplifier, Circuit networkRemoves red and green wires as craftable items and makes them available as shortcuts, similar to blueprints and planners. Let them clutter your inventory no more! Additionally, adds a shortcut to p…
Editor ExtensionsMod portalTesting, PlanningExtends the Factorio map editor with new tools and utilities, and makes tweaks to aid with sandbox play. Adds a suite of supercharged items and entities to assist with testing setups, and allows fo…
Bottleneck LiteMod portalTesting, VisualA tool for locating bottlenecks in your factory, with zero runtime overhead and instant response to changes in status.
Pavement Drive AssistMod portalTransportationIntroduces a driver assistance system that autonomously follows paved roads, while maintaining a preset cruise speed if desired.
VehicleSnapMod portalTransportationSmoothly snaps movement angle when driving cars or tanks.
Stack Size TooltipMod portalVisualShows stack size of items in tooltip.
Almost Invisible Electric WiresMod portalVisual, Circuit networkYou can make the wires 80%, 50% or completely invisible. The Red and Green wire can be Blue and Yellow, or invisible too. Now you can customize it in settings.
TapelineMod portalVisual, DesigningMeasure distances or create a flat surface to do work on. Make temporary measurements, or create persistent measurements that can be adjusted, moved, or deleted.
Underground IndicatorsMod portalVisual, DesigningShows indicators to help you know where to place underground belts and pipes.
DanaMod portal-Dana is an assistant mod to help making sense of Vanilla (or modded) crafting graphs.
QuickBar Import ExportMod portalQuality of lifeAllows you to export your current quickbar and import it in a different save.
Long Inserters ⊘ DiscardedMod portalContent, LogisticsAdds long fast, filter and stack inserters.
Blueprint logistics requests ⊘ DiscardedMod portalQuality of lifeA button that you can click with a blueprint in hand to add all its contents to your current personal logistics requests. Click multiple times to request more. Right click to request less, will not…
Player Request Crafting Layout ⊘ DiscardedMod portalQuality of lifeA way for players to apply their crafting item layout to their logistics window

Replace local settings with synchronized cloud settings

New-Item "$env:AppData\Factorio" -Target "D:\PlutosCloud\Gaming\Factorio Space Age" -ItemType SymbolicLink -Force
$filesToKeepAvailable = Get-ChildItem "D:\PlutosCloud\Gaming\Factorio Space Age" -Recurse
$filesToKeepAvailable += Get-Item "D:\PlutosCloud\Gaming\Factorio Space Age"
$filesToKeepAvailable | foreach {
    $_.Attributes = $_.Attributes -bor 0x080000 -band (-bnot 0x100000)


