Pet Owners

table pet owners.svg

\documentclass{standalone} \renewcommand{\thetable}{1.1}
\begin{tblr}[tall,caption=Pet Owners]{
  hline{1,Z}={.08em}, hline{3},
  row{3-Z}={,rowsep=0pt}, row{3}={abovesep=2pt},
  cell{1}{2,4}={c=2}{c}, row{1-2}={halign=c},
  hline{2} = {2-3}{leftpos = -1, rightpos = -1, endpos},
  hline{2} = {4-5}{leftpos = -1, rightpos = -1, endpos},
          & Dogs &    & Cats &    \\
Owner     & M    & F  & M    & F  \\
Age                               \\
$< 18$    & 2    & 12 & 7    & 11 \\
$\ge 18$  & 4    & 44 & 5    & 3  \\
Residence                         \\
Urban     & 43   & 46 & 15   & 33 \\
Rural     & 5    & 12 & --   & 14 \\


  • Beware: Rotated title clips out of table

table comparison 1.svg

\documentclass{standalone} \renewcommand{\thetable}{1.2}
\NewDocumentCommand{\rot}{O{45} O{1em} m}{\makebox[#2][l]{\rotatebox{#1}{#3}}}%
\begin{tblr}[tall, caption=Comparison, 
    note{a}={Collaborate live with team members on the same document}
]{  colspec={lcc}, hline{1,Z}={.08em}, hline{2}, 
    cell{1}{2-Z} = {halign=l,cmd=\rot[45][1em]},
    column{1}={rightsep+=4pt}, column{Z}={rightsep+=12pt},
Aspect    & Overleaf & Obsidian \\
Collab.   & ++       & --       \\
Price     & o        & +        \\
Feautures & ++       & +        \\

Two dimensional table

table probabilities 1.svg

\documentclass{standalone} \renewcommand{\thetable}{1.3a}
    {\oldfrac{#1}{#2}} {{^{#1}\!/_{\!#2}}}
    {\oldfrac{#1}{#2}} {\oldfrac{#1}{#2}}  }
    remark{$x$}={horizontal axis}, remark{$y$}={vertical axis} 
]{  hline{2}={2-Z}{}, vline{2}={2-Z}{}, hline{Y}, vline{Y}, 
    column{1-Z}={c}, column{1}={colsep=2pt},
{x}{y} & 0            & 1            & 2            & \Sigma      \\
0      & \frac{1}{16} & \frac{1}{16} & 0            & \frac{1}{8} \\
1      & \frac{2}{16} & \frac{3}{16} & \frac{1}{16} & \frac{3}{8} \\
2      & \frac{1}{16} & \frac{3}{16} & \frac{2}{16} & \frac{3}{8} \\
3      & 0            & \frac{1}{16} & \frac{1}{16} & \frac{1}{8} \\
\Sigma & \frac{1}{4}  & \frac{1}{2}  & \frac{1}{4}  & 1           \\

More variants

table probabilities.svg

Separate the sum row and column with more spacing instead of additional border lines

\documentclass{standalone} \renewcommand{\thetable}{1.3b}
    {\oldfrac{#1}{#2}} {{^{#1}\!/_{\!#2}}}
    {\oldfrac{#1}{#2}} {\oldfrac{#1}{#2}}  }
$\begin{tblr}[tall,caption=Separation instead of vlines,
    remark{$x$}={horizontal axis}, remark{$y$}={vertical axis} 
]{  hline{1,Z}={.08em}, hline{2}={leftpos=-7,endpos},
    column{1-Z}={c}, column{1}={colsep=2pt},
    row{Z}={abovesep+=6pt}, column{Z}={leftsep+=6pt},
    cell{1}{Z}={h}, cell{Z}{1}={l},
{x}{y} & 0            & 1            & 2            & \Sigma      \\
0      & \frac{1}{16} & \frac{1}{16} & 0            & \frac{1}{8} \\
1      & \frac{2}{16} & \frac{3}{16} & \frac{1}{16} & \frac{3}{8} \\
2      & \frac{1}{16} & \frac{3}{16} & \frac{2}{16} & \frac{3}{8} \\
3      & 0            & \frac{1}{16} & \frac{1}{16} & \frac{1}{8} \\
\Sigma & \frac{1}{4}  & \frac{1}{2}  & \frac{1}{4}  & 1           \\

Don’t combine and in the same diagbox cell

\documentclass{standalone} \renewcommand{\thetable}{1.3c}
$\begin{tblr}[tall,caption=No diagbox,
    remark{$x$}={horizontal axis}, remark{$y$}={vertical axis} 
]{  hline{1,Z}={.08em}, hline{2},
    column{1-Z}={c}, column{1}={colsep=2pt},
    row{Z}={abovesep+=6pt}, column{Z}={leftsep+=6pt},
    cell{1}{1,Z}={h,font=\boldmath}, cell{2,Z}{1}={l,font=\boldmath},
    row{1}={ht=1.8em}, cell{1}{2-Y}={f}
y=     & 0              & 1              & 2              & \Sigma        \\
x=                                                                        \\
0      & ^1{\!/\!}_{16} & ^1{\!/\!}_{16} & 0              & ^1{\!/\!}_{8} \\
1      & ^2{\!/\!}_{16} & ^3{\!/\!}_{16} & ^1{\!/\!}_{16} & ^3{\!/\!}_{8} \\
2      & ^1{\!/\!}_{16} & ^3{\!/\!}_{16} & ^2{\!/\!}_{16} & ^3{\!/\!}_{8} \\
3      & 0              & ^1{\!/\!}_{16} & ^1{\!/\!}_{16} & ^1{\!/\!}_{8} \\
\Sigma & ^1{\!/\!}_{4}  & ^1{\!/\!}_{2}  & ^1{\!/\!}_{4}  & 1             \\
\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{graphbox}
\includegraphics[align=c]{table probabilities 1} \hspace{1em}
\includegraphics[align=c]{table probabilities 2} \hspace{1em}
\includegraphics[align=c]{table probabilities 3}

Alternatives to tabularray

Rotated headers without tabularray

table headers rotated.svg

\documentclass{article} \pagestyle{empty}
\newcommand*\rot{\multicolumn{1}{R{45}{1em}}}% no optional argument here, please!
\begin{table}[H] \caption{}
         & \rot{Property 1} & \rot{Property 2} & \rot{Property 3} \\ \hline
System 1 &                  &                  & X                \\ 
System 2 & X                & X                & X                \\
System 3 & X                &                  & X                \\ \hline
\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{graphbox}
\includegraphics[align=c]{table comparison 1} \hspace{1em}
\includegraphics[align=c]{table comparison 2}

PgfPlotsTable and tabularray

table headers pgfplotstable.svg

    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    tex/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = \\},
    text cells/.style = {string type,tblr={ column{1,Z}={c} }},
    tblr/.style = {environment=tblr, every table/.append code={\SetTblrInner[tblr,talltblr,longtblr]{#1}}},
    tblr outer/.style = {tblr, every table/.append code={\SetTblrOuter[tblr,talltblr,longtblr]{#1}}},
    environment/.style={begin table=\begin{#1}{},end table=\end{#1},skip coltypes,environment/.style={}},
    caption/.style = {tblr outer={tall,caption={#1}}},
    hlines/.style={tblr={ hline{1,Z}={.08em},hline{2}={.05em} }},
    hasrowname/.style={every first column/.append style={string type}, tblr={ column{1}={l} }},
    cross/.style={hasrowname, tblr={ vline{2}, hline{2} }},
    frame/.style={tblr={ vline{1,Z}={.08em},hline{1,Z}={.08em} }},
    innergrid/.style={tblr={ vline{2-Y},hline{2-Y} }},
    boldcolname/.style={tblr={ row{1}={font=\bfseries} }},
    boldrowname/.style={hasrowname, tblr={ column{1}={font=\bfseries} }},
    tex,tblr,text cells,caption
\pgfplotstabletypeset[hlines, boldcolname]{
Name           & Unicode & Alt code \\
$\alpha$ alpha & U+03B1  & Alt 224  \\
$\gamma$ gamma & U+0393  & Alt 226  \\
$\delta$ delta & U+03B4  & Alt 235  \\
        & Word    & Docs \\
Collab. & ++      & ++   \\
Price   & --      & ++   \\
Simple  & $\circ$ & +    \\
\diagbox{$x$}{$y$} &              0 &              1 &              2 \\
0                  & $^1\!/_{\!16}$ & $^1\!/_{\!16}$ & $0$            \\
1                  & $^3\!/_{\!16}$ & $^3\!/_{\!16}$ & $^1\!/_{\!16}$ \\
2                  & $0$            & $^4\!/_{\!16}$ & $^3\!/_{\!16}$ \\

Figure collection for note preview

table headers.svg

\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{graphbox}
\includegraphics[align=c]{table pet owners} \hspace{1em}
\includegraphics[align=c]{table comparison 1} \hspace{1em}
\includegraphics[align=c]{table probabilities 1}