.NET formatted file

CLI aka Common Language Infrastructure is an XML-based representation of an object or objects and stored in a file. When importing, the .Net object structure is preserved

$object = Import-Clixml -Path ".\example.xml"

List the data types of an object

$object | Get-Member | select -ExpandProperty TypeName -Unique

List the members of an object

$object | Get-Member

Count the elements of the object


Plain text file

Import all lines from a plaintext file

$lines = Get-Content -Path ".\example.txt"

Import only a specific line or range of lines from a plaintext file:

$line26      = (Get-Content -Path ".\example.txt")[25]
$line23til26 = (Get-Content -Path ".\example.txt")[22..25]
  • -TotalCount speeds up the commands by only loading the first 26 lines.
$line26      = (Get-Content -Path ".\example.txt" -TotalCount 26)[25]
$line23til26 = (Get-Content -Path ".\example.txt" -TotalCount 26)[22..25]

Count the number of lines:


Import data out of plaintext files

RegEx Input Parsing - Import data out of plaintext using regular expressions > Overview



PowerShell Objects - Handle, Import, Export, Filter and RegEx query objects