KeeWeb is a essential, storage app. Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass
- Invoke the installer listed on Windows Package Manager:
winget install -e KeeWeb.KeeWeb
- Download it from the publisher’s website
moderne UI mit flexiblen Seitenverhältnisses des Fensters
füge synchron getätigte Änderungen zusammen, ohne mehrere Dateien zu erstellen
modern interface with flexible window aspects ratios
native one-time-passwords feature
native cloud synchronisation with common cloud providers
- merge syncron
Open cloud database
- Start the application
- Click
More > OneDrive
- If prompted allow access in Windows Defender Firewall for all networks
- Authenticate using the browser
- Click
again and select the database - Unlock the database
- Set sorting to Auto (click icon right of the search bar)
Modify settings
Open Settings via [Ctrl + ,]
Open Appearance within General
- Automatically switch between light and theme when possible
- Colorful custom icons in the list
Open Function within General
- Automatically save and sync periodically: On every change
- Clear clipboard after copy: In 10 seconds
- Minimize the app instead of close: ☒ Yes
- Minimize on field copy: ☒ Yes
- Automatically use group icon for new entries: ☒ Yes
Open Auto lock within General
- If the app is inactive: In 5 minutes
- When the app is minimized: ☐ No
- When the computer is locked or put to sleep: ☒ Yes
Open Shortcuts
- copy OTP: Ctrl + Alt + O
- open KeeWeb: Ctrl + Alt + K
Open your database settings, symbolized by a closed lock
- File format: KDBX 3 # Advanced
Open Generate, symbolized by a flash in the bottom right
- Open the dropdown menu and click
- Click New preset and the bottom
- Selected by default: ☒ Yes
- Name: QWERTY/QWERTZ with 3 verify characters
- Default length: 20
- Additional symbols to include:
- Pattern:
Open Browser
- Select your browser and install its extension via the download icon
- In your browser, enable KeeWeb Connect during InPrivate
- Navigate to the extension options or visit chrome-extension://pikpfmjfkekaeinceagbebpfkmkdlcjk/pages/options.html
- Click Connect to KeeWeb
- Click Edit keyboard shortcuts or visit about://extensions/shortcuts
- Choose another field in KeeWeb: Ctrl + Shift + 2
- One-time codes: Ctrl + Shift + 1
- Submit the form automatically: Ctrl + Shift + V
Run at startup
$WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell
$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut("$env:AppData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\KeeWeb.lnk")
$Shortcut.TargetPath = "powershell.exe"
$Shortcut.Arguments = "-Command `"start 'C:\Program Files\KeeWeb\KeeWeb.exe' -WindowStyle Hidden`""
$Shortcut.WindowStyle = 7 # start minimized
Password manager