MatPlotLib PyPlot is a Python extension about visualisation. Generate GUI, SVG, PDF figures with an implicit, MATLAB-like interface
Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations.
The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python
Example plot
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Enable LaTeX rendering
plt.rcParams[ 'text.usetex' ] = True
plt.rcParams[ '' ] = 'serif'
# Create data
x = np.linspace( 0 , 4 , 100 )
f = x
g = np.exp(x) / 20
h = np.sin(x)
# Create the plot
plt.figure( figsize = ( 3 , 2.5 ))
plt.plot(x, f, label = r " $ f ( x ) = x $ " )
plt.plot(x, g, label = r " $ g ( x ) = \f rac {1}{20} \, e ^ x $ " )
plt.plot(x, h, label = r " $ h ( x ) = \s in ( x )$ " )
# Style the plot
plt.title( "Figure 1.3: MatPlotLib and NumPy" , fontsize = 10 )
plt.grid( True )
# Export static vector graphics
plt.savefig( @ vault_path + '/attachments/plot plt.svg' , transparent = True )
plt.savefig( @ vault_path + '/attachments/plot plt.pdf' , transparent = True )
Minimalized example plot
def export_plt_figure (plt_graph, outfile = None , crop = False ):
basename = @ vault_path + '/attachments/' + outfile
if ( not outfile):
if (crop):
plt.savefig(basename + '.svg' , transparent = True , \
bbox_inches = 'tight' , pad_inches = 0 )
plt.savefig(basename + '.pdf' , transparent = True , \
bbox_inches = 'tight' , pad_inches = 0 )
plt.savefig(basename + '.svg' , transparent = True )
plt.savefig(basename + '.pdf' , transparent = True )
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams[ 'text.usetex' ] = True
plt.rcParams[ '' ] = 'serif'
x = np.linspace( 0 , 4 , 100 )
plt.figure( figsize = ( 3 , 2.5 ))
plt.plot(x, x, label = r " $ f ( x ) = x $ " )
plt.plot(x, np.exp(x) / 20 , label = r " $ g ( x ) = \f rac {1}{20} \, e ^ x $ " )
plt.plot(x, np.sin(x), label = r " $ h ( x ) = \s in ( x )$ " )
plt.title( "Figure 1.1: Normal spines" , fontsize = 10 )
plt.grid( True )
export_plt_figure(plt, outfile = "plot plt 1" )
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams[ 'text.usetex' ] = True
plt.rcParams[ '' ] = 'serif'
x = np.linspace( 0 , 4 , 100 )
plt.figure( figsize = ( 3 , 2.5 ))
plt.plot(x, x, label = r " $ f ( x ) = x $ " )
plt.plot(x, np.exp(x) / 20 , label = r " $ g ( x ) = \f rac {1}{20} \, e ^ x $ " )
plt.plot(x, np.sin(x), label = r " $ h ( x ) = \s in ( x )$ " )
plt.title( "Figure 1.1: Normal spines" , fontsize = 10 )
plt.grid( True )
export_plt_figure(plt, outfile = "plot plt 1" )
API interfaces
Axes interface
create a Figure and one or more Axes objects, then explicitly use methods on these objects to add data, configure limits, set labels etc.
PyPlot interface
matplotlib.pyplot is a state-based interface to matplotlib. It provides an implicit, MATLAB-like, way of plotting. It also opens figures on your screen, and acts as the figure GUI manager. pyplot is mainly intended for interactive plots and simple cases of programmatic plot generation: