Use required packages in setup/packages.tex

\usepackage{siunitx}  % Aligning numbers by decimal points in table columns
\usepackage{booktabs} % To thicken table lines
\usepackage{multicol} % split the legend into multiple columns
\usepackage{xcolor}   % to color columns

Create mathematical symbols in math/symbols.tex

  • Globally define column titles as macros to ensure consistent symbols throughout the document.
\newmathsnippet{\⟨symbol a⟩}{f_\mathrm{E}}
\newmathsnippet{\⟨symbol b⟩}{U_\mathrm{E}}
\newmathsnippet{\⟨symbol c⟩}{U_\mathrm{R,pp}}

Table body in src/measured-values.tex

% f_E   & U_E      & U_Rpp
453.116 & 382.657  & -426418 \\
88.760  & 245.946  & 332002 \\

Table columns, design in table/numbers.tex

CatchFileDef{\input⟨data title⟩}{src/measured-values}{}
\begin{table}  % or \begin{table}[⟨placement specifiers⟩]
    \caption{⟨caption⟩} % or \caption[⟨listoftables caption⟩]{⟨caption⟩}
    \label{tab:table name⟩}
    \sisetup{table-auto-round = true}
        S[table-format = -3.0e-1] % column A
        S[table-format =  3.1] % column B
        S[table-format = -2.e1, color = orange] % column C
        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{⟨multicolumn header⟩} 
        \\ \cmidrule(lr){2-3}   
        {\⟨symbol a⟩* in \unit{V}} &
        {\⟨symbol b⟩* in \unit{\micro\second\per\liter}} &
        {\⟨symbol c⟩* in \unit{kg.\frac{m}{s}}}
        \\ \midrule     
        \input⟨data title⟩  % body file defined in first line
    \begin{multicols}{2}   % number of legend columns
        \begin{itemize}     % COLUMN LEGEND %
            \item[\⟨symbol a⟩*] Frequenz
            \item[\⟨symbol b⟩*] Eingangsspannung
            \item[\⟨symbol c⟩*] Spannung über den Widerstand
        \end{itemize}     % END OF LEGEND %

Align custom delimiter tables

Use required packages in setup/packages.tex

\usepackage{booktabs} % To thicken table lines

Table body in src/ip-addresses.tex

% Computername & 255&255&255&255 (Ip address)
Mikes-Computer & 10 & 0 & 0 & 14 % =
Peters-Phone   & 192&168&179&  2 % =

Table columns, design in table/network.tex

CatchFileDef{\input⟨data title⟩}{src/measured-values}{}
\begin{table}  % or \begin{table}[⟨placement specifiers⟩]
    \caption{⟨caption⟩} % or \caption[⟨listoftables caption⟩]{⟨caption⟩}
        c      % Computername
        r @{.} % 192.
        r @{.} %     168.
        r @{.} %         179.
        r      %             1
        Computername &
        \multicolumn{4}{c}{Ip address}
        \\ \midrule     
        \input⟨ipaddresses⟩ % body file defined in first line
  • alternatively use \usepackage{dcolumn}


Float - Dynamically place figures, images, tables, and listings at the top, bottom, or single page

Graphical elements - Standardize tables, images, plots