Obsidian is a office, education app. Obsidian is a powerful and extensible knowledge base that works on top of your local folder of plain text files.


Server host

  • OneDrive Host vault files


  • Remotely Save syncs files while Obsidian is running
  • Symbolic Link sync .obsidian config


  • FolderSync syncs files
  • FolderSync syncs .obsidian config folder separately
  • Starts sync every time obsidian is open (configured through Samsung Routines)

Backup version control

  • PC commits and pushes local changes to GitHub repository every 5min



NameThumbnailModportal linksCategoriesDescription
Text SnippetsComminity plugins, WebstoreEditingSnippets for faster typing. Allows you to replace text templates, create your own, and expand text shortcuts.
Dataview - Create dynamic tables using data stored in note propertiesComminity plugins, WebstoreDynamic contentDataview is a live index and query engine over your knowledge base. You can associate data (like tags, dates, snippets, numbers, and so on) with your markdown pages, and then query (like filter…
Remotely SaveComminity plugins, WebstoreSynchronizationYet another unofficial plugin allowing users to sync notes between local device and the cloud service (S3, Dropbox, webdav, OneDrive).
Digital GardenComminity plugins, WebstorePublishingPublish your notes to a digital garden for others to enjoy.
Obsidian GitComminity plugins, WebstoreSynchronization, Version control, BackupPlugin that allows you to back up your Obsidian.md vault to a remote Git repository (e.g. private repo on GitHub).
TranslateComminity plugins, WebstoreEditing, TranslationTranslate text and notes with Google Translate, DeepL, Azure, and more.
deepLComminity plugins, WebstoreEditing TranslationAllows translation of selected texts into more than 25 languages with DeepL.
Copy as LatexComminity plugins, Webstore-Designed for when you want to do most of your writing in a nice Obsidian environment, with lots of citations from a nicely managed set of references etc. Lighterweight than Pandoc, doesn’t assume y…
Advanced CursorsComminity plugins, WebstoreEditingUse multiple cursors even more powerfully.
LaTeX SuiteComminity plugins, WebstoreEditing, MathA plugin for Obsidian that aims to make typesetting LaTeX math as fast as handwriting.
TlDrawComminity plugins, WebstoreGraphicsThis Obsidian plugin allows users to use Tldraw, which is a tiny little drawing app, inside of Obsidian. Users can draw, plan, and use all of Tldraw’s tools to augment their Obsidian experience. Th…
Execute CodeComminity plugins, WebstoreProgrammingExecute code snippets within a note.
Advanced URIComminity plugins, WebstoreProgrammingControl everything with URI.
Shell commandsComminity plugins, WebstoreProgrammingDefine system commands that you want to execute via command palette, hotkeys, URI links or automated events. E.g. open external applications or perform automated file modifications.
Dynamic EmbedComminity plugins, WebstoreVisualisationEmbed snippets, templates and any linkable by delegating the current scope to the embedded file, treating it as content instead of a reference.
DiagramsComminity plugins, WebstoreVisualisation, GraphicsCreate and edit Draw.io diagrams in Obsidian.
Code Emitter ⊘ DiscardedComminity plugins, WebstoreProgrammingAllows code blocks to be executed interactively in a sandbox like Jupyter notebooks. Supported language Rust, Kotlin, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, etc.
Self-hosted LiveSync ⊘ DiscardedComminity plugins, WebstoreSynchronizationCommunity implementation of self-hosted livesync. Reflect your vault changes to some other devices immediately. Please make sure to disable other synchronize solutions to avoid content corruption o…

Take a look at
Database Folder, Projects, Breadcrumbs, and Metadata Menu (which mimics supertags in Tana) are also solid plugins in Obsidian that complement Dataview and may be worth checking out too


  • Don’t get lost improving your setup, start writing
  • Obsidian subreddit/YouTube is bad influence

Pasted image 20231204121250.png

Configuration and settings

Replace local settings with synchronized cloud settings

New-Item D:\Notes\.obsidian -Target D:\PlutosCloud\Config\.obsidian\ -ItemType SymbolicLink
$filesToKeepAvailable = Get-ChildItem D:\PlutosCloud\Config\.obsidian -Recurse
$filesToKeepAvailable += Get-Item D:\PlutosCloud\Config\.obsidian
$filesToKeepAvailable | foreach {
    $_.Attributes = $_.Attributes -bor 0x080000 -band (-bnot 0x100000)
Invoke-Command {
$cloudFolder = "D:\PlutosCloud\Config"
$localFolder = "D:\Notes"
$syncItems = @(
# Replace local files with references to synchronized cloud files
$syncItems | foreach {
    New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "$localFolder\$_" -Target "$cloudFolder\$_" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
# Keep all cloud files, that are accessible via symlinks, fully present locally
Set-Location $cloudFolder -ErrorAction Stop
    Get-Item $syncItems | where PSIsContainer | Get-ChildItem -Recurse
    Get-Item $syncItems
) | foreach { 
    $_.Attributes = $_.Attributes -bor 0x080000 -band (-bnot 0x100000) 

Or configure manually

Open Settings > General

  • Strict line breaks # Editor
  • In the folder specified below ← Default location for new attachments
    • attachments ← Attachment folder path

Open Settings > Appearance

  • Adapt to system ← Base color scheme

Open Settings > Hotkeys

  • Ctrl + Alt + C ← Obsidian Git: Commit all changes with specific message
  • Ctrl + Shift + G ← Obsidian Git: Open source control view
  • Ctrl + Alt + P ← Obsidian Git: Pull
  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P ← Obsidian Git: Push



