thumbnail PyX is a Python extension about visualisation. Generate PDF, SVG graphics with LaTeX drawn text and PostScript drawing backend

Example plot

plot pyx.svg

from pyx import *
g = graph.graphxy(width=8,
                  x=graph.axis.linear(min=0, max=4),
                  y=graph.axis.linear(min=-1, max=3),
                  key=graph.key.key(pos="br", dist=0.1))
g.plot(["y(x)=x", title=r"$f(x) = x$"),"y(x)=1/20*e**x", title=r"$g(x) = {1 \over 20} e^x$"),"y(x)=sin(x)", title=r"$h(x) = \sin{x}$")],
g.writeSVGfile(@vault_path + '/attachments/plot pyx 1')
g.writePDFfile(@vault_path + '/attachments/plot pyx 1')
@show(@vault_url + '/attachments/plot pyx 1.svg')

Example plot with export function

pyx 2.svg

def export_and_show_pyx_figure(pyx_graph, outfile=None):
    if (outfile):
        g.writeSVGfile(@vault_path + '/attachments/' + outfile)
        g.writePDFfile(@vault_path + '/attachments/' + outfile)
    g.writeSVGfile(@vault_path + '/attachments/.temp')
    @show(@vault_url + '/attachments/.temp.svg')
from pyx import graph, color
g = graph.graphxy(width=8,
                  x=graph.axis.linear(min=0, max=4),
                  y=graph.axis.linear(min=-1, max=3),
                  key=graph.key.key(pos="br", dist=0.1))
g.plot(["y(x)=x", title=r"$f(x) = x$"),"y(x)=1/20*e**x", title=r"$g(x) = {1 \over 20} e^x$"),"y(x)=sin(x)", title=r"$h(x) = \sin{x}$")],
export_and_show_pyx_figure(g, "plot pyx 2")
from pyx import graph, color
g = graph.graphxy(width=8,
                  x=graph.axis.linear(min=0, max=4),
                  y=graph.axis.linear(min=-1, max=3),
                  key=graph.key.key(pos="br", dist=0.1))
g.plot(["y(x)=x", title=r"$f(x) = x$"),"y(x)=1/20*e**x", title=r"$g(x) = {1 \over 20} e^x$"),"y(x)=sin(x)", title=r"$h(x) = \sin{x}$")],
export_and_show_pyx_figure(g, "plot pyx 3")
\documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty} \renewcommand{\thefigure}{1.4}
\begin{figure} \centering{} \caption{PyX}
\includegraphics{plot pyx 1}