Accumulate sum, mean, standard deviation, max, min across ranges of the table
\cellAccum {⟨rows⟩}{⟨columns⟩}{⟨accumulative calculation⟩}{⟨neutral value⟩}
⟨rows⟩ : comma separated list of (ranges of) desired columns, e.g.: 1-3,Z
⟨columns⟩ : comma separated list of (ranges of) desired columns, e.g.: even,X-Y
⟨accumulative calculation⟩ : update the value of \nAccum
for each touched cell, in the order left to right and top to bottom, e.g.: \nAccum+1
to count cells
⟨neutral value⟩ : initial value of \nAccum
. Leave empty for default 0. Product, minimun, and maximun required different initial values
Available dynamic values for calculation:
: value assigned after last update
: value of the current cell
: current row number
: current column number
Available function:
Basic arithmetic: x+y, x-y, x*y, x/y, sqrt(x)
Comparison operators: x<y, x<=<, y>?y, x!=y
Boolean logic: sign(x), !x, x&&y, x||y, x?y:z
Exponentials: exp x, ln x, x^y, logb x
Integer factorial: fact x
See more functional p. 51 - CTAN documentation
Minimal examples: Calculate sum of second column
\documentclass { standalone }
\usepackage { tabularray }
\UseTblrLibrary {functional}
\clistNew\columnList \clistNew\rowList \fpNew\nAccum \fpNew\nCell
\prgNewFunction\rowRangesToList { n }{
\__tblr_get_childs:nx { #1 }{ \therowcount }
\prgReturn {\l_tblr_childs_clist} }
\prgNewFunction\ColumnRangesToList { n }{
\__tblr_get_childs:nx { #1 }{ \thecolcount }
\prgReturn {\l_tblr_childs_clist} }
\prgNewFunction\cellAccum { mmmm }{
\clistSet\rowList { \tlIfEmptyTF {#1}{
\tlUse { \therownum } }{ \tlUse { \rowRangesToList {#1}}} }
\clistSet\columnList { \tlIfEmptyTF {#2}{
\tlUse { \thecolnum } }{ \tlUse { \ColumnRangesToList {#2}}} }
\tlIfEmptyTF {#4}{ \fpZero\nAccum }{ \fpSet\nAccum {#4} }
\clistVarMapVariable \rowList \lTmpaInt {
\clistVarMapVariable \columnList \lTmpbInt {
\fpSet\nCell { \cellGetText { \lTmpaInt }{ \lTmpbInt } }
\fpSet\nAccum { #3 } } }
\prgReturn { \fpEval { round( \nAccum ,2) }} }
\begin {document}
\begin {tblr}[tall,caption=Sum]{
column{1-Z}={r,mode=math}, row{1}={c,mode=text},
cell{Z}{2}={cmd= \cellAccum {2-Y}{}{ \nAccum + \nCell }{}}
t & U \\
2 & 78.52 \\
-5 & -84.4 \\
-3 & -7.8 \\
4 & 68.38 \\
-2 & -15.40 \\
\Sigma & \\
\end {tblr}
\hspace {1em}
\begin {tblr}[tall,caption=Row index]{
column{1-Z}={r,mode=math}, row{1}={c,mode=text},
cell{2-Z}{1}={cmd= \intEval { \therownum -1}}
\# & t & U \\
& 2 & 78.52 \\
& -5 & -84.4 \\
& -3 & -7.8 \\
& 4 & 68.38 \\
& -2 & -15.40 \\
\end {tblr}
\end {document}
Use regex to test if it is a number
\documentclass { standalone }
\usepackage { tabularray }
\usepackage { tabularray,tikz }
\UseTblrLibrary {functional}
\usetikzlibrary {fpu}
\renewcommand { \thetable }{3.2}
\clistNew\columnList \clistNew\rowList \fpNew\nAccum \fpNew\nCell
\prgNewFunction\rowRangesToList { n }{
\__tblr_get_childs:nx { #1 }{ \therowcount }
\prgReturn {\l_tblr_childs_clist} }
\prgNewFunction\ColumnRangesToList { n }{
\__tblr_get_childs:nx { #1 }{ \thecolcount }
\prgReturn {\l_tblr_childs_clist} }
\prgNewFunction\cellAccum { mmm }{
\clistSet\rowList { \tlIfEmptyTF {#1}{
\tlUse { \therownum } }{ \tlUse { \rowRangesToList {#1}}} }
\clistSet\columnList { \tlIfEmptyTF {#2}{
\tlUse { \thecolnum } }{ \tlUse { \ColumnRangesToList {#2}}} }
\clistVarMapVariable \rowList \lTmpaInt {
\clistVarMapVariable \columnList \lTmpbInt {
\fpSet\nCell { \cellGetText { \lTmpaInt }{ \lTmpbInt } }
\fpSet\nAccum { #3 } } }
\prgReturn { \fpEval { round( \nAccum ,2) }} }
\prgNewFunction\cellSum { mm }{
\prgReturn { \cellAccum {#1}{#2}{ \nAccum + \nCell } } }
\prgNewFunction\cellCount { mm }{
\prgReturn { \cellAccum {#1}{#2}{ \nAccum + 1} } }
\prgNewFunction\cellMean { mm }{
\fpSet\lTmpaFp { \cellSum {#1}{#2} / \cellCount {#1}{#2} }
\prgReturn { \fpEval { round( \lTmpaFp ,2) }} }
\prgNewFunction\cellStandardDeviation { mm }{
\fpSet\lTmpaFp { \cellMean {#1}{#2} }
\fpSet\lTmpbFp { \cellAccum {#1}{#2}{ \nAccum + ( \nCell - \lTmpaFp )^2} }
\fpSet\lTmpcFp { sqrt( \lTmpbFp / \cellCount {#1}{#2}) }
\prgReturn { \fpEval { round( \lTmpcFp ,2) }} }
\begin {document}
\begin {tblr}[tall,caption]{
colspec={rrr}, hline{1,Z}={.08em},hline{2,V},
column{2-Z}={r,mode=math,cmd= \pgfmathprintnumber },
cell{2-4}{1}={cmd= \intEval { \therownum }},
cell{W}{2-Z}={cmd= \cellSum {2-V}{}},
cell{X}{2-Z}={cmd= \cellMean {2-V}{}},
cell{Y}{2-Z}={cmd= \cellStandardDeviation {2-V}{}},
cell{Z}{2-Z}={cmd= \cellAccum {2-V}{}{max( \nAccum , \nCell )}},
\# & a & b & c \\
& 1 & 2.3 & 1.43587294e-01 \\
& 4 & 5.2 & 4.41941738e-02 \\
& 7 & 8.44 & 8.20091159e-03 \\
\Sigma \\
\mu \\
\sigma \\
\max \\
\end {tblr}
\end {document}
Add statistics to data table
\documentclass { standalone }
\usepackage { tabularray }
\usepackage { tabularray,tikz }
\UseTblrLibrary {functional}
\usetikzlibrary {fpu}
\renewcommand { \thetable }{3.2}
\clistNew\columnList \clistNew\rowList \fpNew\nAccum \fpNew\nCell
\prgNewFunction\rowRangesToList { n }{
\__tblr_get_childs:nx { #1 }{ \therowcount }
\prgReturn {\l_tblr_childs_clist} }
\prgNewFunction\ColumnRangesToList { n }{
\__tblr_get_childs:nx { #1 }{ \thecolcount }
\prgReturn {\l_tblr_childs_clist} }
\prgNewFunction\cellAccum { mmmm }{
\clistSet\rowList { \tlIfEmptyTF {#1}{
\tlUse { \therownum } }{ \tlUse { \rowRangesToList {#1}}} }
\clistSet\columnList { \tlIfEmptyTF {#2}{
\tlUse { \thecolnum } }{ \tlUse { \ColumnRangesToList {#2}}} }
\fpSet\nAccum { \tlIfEmpty {#4} ? 0 : {#4} }
\clistVarMapVariable \rowList \lTmpaInt {
\clistVarMapVariable \columnList \lTmpbInt {
\fpSet\nCell { \cellGetText { \lTmpaInt }{ \lTmpbInt } }
\fpSet\nAccum { #3 } } }
\prgReturn { \fpEval { round( \nAccum ,2) }} }
\prgNewFunction\cellSum { mm }{
\prgReturn { \cellAccum {#1}{#2}{ \nAccum + \nCell }{0} } }
\prgNewFunction\cellCount { mm }{
\prgReturn { \cellAccum {#1}{#2}{ \nAccum + 1}{0} } }
\prgNewFunction\cellMean { mm }{
\fpSet\lTmpaFp { \cellSum {#1}{#2} / \cellCount {#1}{#2} }
\prgReturn { \fpEval { round( \lTmpaFp ,2) }} }
\prgNewFunction\cellStandardDeviation { mm }{
\fpSet\lTmpaFp { \cellMean {#1}{#2} }
\fpSet\lTmpbFp { \cellAccum {#1}{#2}{ \nAccum + ( \nCell - \lTmpaFp )^2}{0} }
\fpSet\lTmpcFp { sqrt( \lTmpbFp / \cellCount {#1}{#2}) }
\prgReturn { \fpEval { round( \lTmpcFp ,2) }} }
\prgNewFunction\cellProd { mm }{
\prgReturn { \cellAccum {#1}{#2}{ \nAccum * \nCell }{1} } }
\prgNewFunction\cellMin { mm }{
\prgReturn { \cellAccum {#1}{#2}{min( \nAccum , \nCell )}{ \cInfFp } } }
\begin {document}
\begin {tblr}[tall,caption={Calculate over rows, columns}]{
column{1-Z}={r,mode=math}, row{1}={c},
cell{2-4}{1-3}={cmd= \pgfmathprintnumber },
row{X}={abovesep+=6pt}, cell{X-Z}{X}={l}, cell{X-Z}{Y-Z}={c},
cell{5}{1-3}={cmd= \cellSum {2-W}{}}, cell{X}{X}={cmd={_ \Sigma { \; }^N}},
cell{6}{1-3}={cmd= \cellMean {2-W}{}}, cell{Y}{X}={cmd= \mu },
cell{7}{1-3}={cmd= \cellStandardDeviation {2-W}{}}, cell{Z}{X}={cmd= \sigma },
cell{2-4}{X}={cmd= \cellCount {}{1-W}},
cell{2-4}{Y}={cmd= \cellProd {}{1-W}}, cell{X}{Y}={cmd= \Pi },
cell{2-4}{Z}={cmd= \cellMin {}{1-W}}, cell{X}{Z}={cmd= \min },
cell{Y}{Y}={r=2,c=2}{l,cmd=Statistics,mode=text,font= \bfseries },
a & b & c &&& \\
1 & 2.3 & 1.43e-01 \\
4 & 5.2 & 4.41e-02 \\
7 & 8.44 & 8.20e-03 \\
\\ \\ \\
\end {tblr}
\end {document}
\documentclass { standalone }
\usepackage { xfp,functional }
\newcommand { \isnumber }[1]{ %
\ifnum\ifnum \pdfstrcmp { \detokenize {#1}}{ \stripws {#1}}=0 0 \else
\ifnum \fpeval {isinf(#1) | isnan(#1)}=0 1 \else 0 \fi
\fi =1 1 \else 0 \fi
\newcommand { \stripws }[1]{ \romannumeral -`X \romannumeral -`X#1}
\begin {document}
\isnumber {123} % Returns 1
\isnumber {3.14} % Returns 1
\isnumber {-2.5e-3} % Returns 1
\isnumber {abc} % Returns 0
\isnumber { 123 } % Returns 0 (due to whitespace)
\end {document}