Note Poster Original title Information Genres Plot Over the Garden Wall 2014 IMDb Animation, Short, Adventure Two brothers find themselves lost in a mysterious land and try to find their way home. The Dragon Prince 2018– IMDb Animation, Action, Adventure Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elfin assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands. The Last of Us 2023– IMDb Action, Adventure, Drama After a global pandemic destroys civilization, a hardened survivor takes charge of a 14-year-old girl who may be humanity’s last hope. When We Left Earth The NASA Missions 2008 IMDb Documentary, History Narrated by award-winning actor Gary Sinise, WHEN WE LEFT EARTH is the incredible story of humankind’s greatest adventure, as it happened, told by the people who were there. From the early quest of…