Generate Placeholder Text
Document Classes
File Template
Global formatting in setup/layout.tex
\title{My Template}
\author{Anton Pusch}
Table Of Contents
Page Margins
Math Spacing
Command | Space Width |
\! | quad |
\, | quad |
\: | quad |
\; | quad |
\quad | quad |
\qquad |
Command | Description |
\\ \newline | starts a new line without starting a new paragraph |
\\* | additionally prohibits a page break after the forced line break. |
newpage | starts a new page |
\linebreak[ n] \nolinebreak[ n] \pagebreak[ n] \nopagebreak[ n] | suggest places where a break may (or may not) happen |
Define the hyphenation of a word list
. | Meaning |
\- | inserts a discretionary hyphen into a word. This also becomes the only point hyphenation is allowed in this word |
mbox{text} | be kept together under all circumstances (e.g. phone number) |
\fbox | is similar to \mbox , but in addition there will be a visible box drawn around the content. |