Writing everything in one file reduces readability, increases compile time, and makes debugging more difficult. Therefore a logical project structure is highly recommended.

Minimal version

  • main.tex for project structure which inputs all files
  • chapter1.tex for the first text chapter to be displayed
  • chapter2.tex for the next text chapter to be displayed
  • setup/ for the preamble, configuration, layout and formatting
    • packages.tex for used packages
    • layout.tex for formatting styles, package configuration
    • definitions.tex for new commands, environments, etc.
    • titlepage.tex for the first page of the document
  • resources/ for images, table values, sourcecode files, attachments
  • bibliographies/ for sources and external references

Figure-heavy projects

  • main.tex for project structure which inputs all files
    • packages.tex for used packages
    • layout.tex for formatting styles, package configuration
    • definitions.tex for new commands, environments, etc.
  • resources/ for images, table values, sourcecode files, attachments
  • bibliographies/ for sources and external references
  • table-floats/ for floating object definitions of tables
  • figure-floats/ for the floating object definitions of images and graphics
  • listing-floats/ for the floating object definitions of listings
  • sty/ for self-written packages


Main document at main.tex

minimal version


regular version

    \maketitle % print title, author, date information
    \listoftables            % Tabellenverzeichnis
    \listoffigures           % Abbildungsverzeichnis
    \lstlistoflistings       % Codelistenverzeichnis
    \input{bib/bibliography} % Literaturverzeichnis

Package requirements

Dependencies at setup/packages.tex

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\usepackage{syntonly} % Suppress pdf creating and check syntax only
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use Latin Modern font encoding, e.g. accents, greek letters
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Use unicode as input encoding 
\usepackage[margin=1.5cm]{geometry} % Set page margins
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % Use German hyphenation and names like Inhaltsverzeichnis
\usepackage{csquotes} % Use German quotation marks


at text/headings.tex

\section{Capter 1}



LaTeX - Typeset mathematical and scientific notation, handle cross-referencing and citations, and position images according to defined placement rules