Create a simple table with borders

  • Visually clarify table boundaries: Thick horizontal lines ; Thick frame
  • Visually clarify column titles and row titles: Thin border line ; Left-aligned row title ; Bold font
  • Apply border pattern: Inner gridlines
  • See source examples: Create a simple table with borders

minimal 45.svg

% Original data
    0.0     75.9638
    0.380665    206.565
    0.58711     243.435
    0.793555    333.435
% Get column names
% Retrieve desired element
% Perform calculation, save to \result
\pgfmathsetmacro\result{\pgfplotsretval + 360}
% Assemble new line
\edef\createsumrow{\noexpand\pgfplotstableread[header=has colnames,col sep=comma,row sep=crcr]{
% Concatenate
% Output

Formatting - Create table styles and apply them across your document

  • Center
  • Hlines
  • Grid
  • Environments
  • Colors
  • Dashed line every 5th row

Key Managment

Key Management - PGF/TikZ Manual

  • full key (similar to absolute path): starts with a / slash like /pgf/table/a
  • partial key (similar to relative path): doesn’t start with a / slash like a
  • handler (like hidden files): start with a . dot like .code


  • change directory .cd like \pgfkeys{/pgf/table/.cd, a=}
  • quote link key (similar to soft link)
  • use a macros value .expand once= .expand twice .expanded
  • calculate .evaluated
  • pass on /.forward to


  • show value .show value
  • show code .show code
  • execute as key’s code /utils/exec=⟨code⟩

Set key

\pgfkeys{/my key/.code=The value is '#1'.} % Create key
\pgfkeys{/my key=hi!} % Set key

Get key

\pgfkeys{/my key/.initial=red}
\pgfkeys{/my key=blue}
\pgfkeys{/my key/.get=\mymacro}
  /b/.forward to=/a,
  /c/.forward to=/a
\pgfkeys{/b=1} \pgfkeys{/c=2}
  • output: (b:1)(a:1) (a:2)


  • pgf keys for pgfplotstable styles
  • tabulararray for better spacing
  • tabularray interface 1 for pgf code injection
  • no bookstabs because bad borders



\pgfplotstableset{⟨globally applied styles⟩}
\pgfplotstabletypeset[⟨individual styles⟩]{⟨input file or table cells⟩}

simple table.svgcsv alternate table.svg
minimal 2.svg


Code in table

    Special & \verb`\abc{}$&^_^uvw 123` \\
    Spacing & \verb`\bfseries\ \#\%` \\
    Nesting & \verb`$\left\\\{A\right.$\#`
    Special & \fakeverb{\abc{}$&^_^uvw 123} \\
    Spacing & \fakeverb{\bfseries\ \#\%} \\
    Nesting & \fbox{\fakeverb{$\left\\\{A\right.$\#}}
    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    mixedtable/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = newline, string type},
~ x & y %\abc{}$&^_^uvw 123
~ langer text & 2 %\bfseries\ \#\%
~ 3 & 4 %
~ 5 & 6 %$\left\\\{A\right.$\#
% \hfill
    Command & Rendering \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}lnot} & \(\lnot\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}land} & \(\land\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}lor} & \(\lor\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}to} & \(\to\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}gets} & \(\gets\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}iff} & \(\iff\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}implies} & \(\implies\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}impliedby} & \(\impliedby\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}mathbb\{R\}} & \(\mathbb{R}\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}approx} & \(\approx\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}subseteq} & \(\subseteq\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}supseteq} & \(\supseteq\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}setminus} & \(\setminus\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}times} & \(\times\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}leq} & \(\leq\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}geq} & \(\geq\) \\
    \texttt{\textbackslash{}cap} & \(\cap\) \\

Create a simple table

    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    tabular/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = \\, string type},
    Name & Identifier \\
    Carl & 3 \\
    Peter & 7 \\
    Lara & 1 \\

minimal 5.svg

Create a center aligned table with horizontal lines around the header and at the end of the table

    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    tabular/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = \\, string type},
    centering/.style = {
        begin table/.add = {\parskip=0pt\par\nopagebreak\centering{}}{},
        end table/.add = {}{\par\noindent\ignorespacesafterend{}},
    hlines/.style = {
        every head row/.style = {before row = \hline, after row = \hline},
        every last row/.style = {after row = \hline},
    Name & Identifier \\
    Carl & 3 \\
    Peter & 7 \\
    Lara & 1 \\

simple table.svg

Generate a table from a csv-spreadsheet (comma separated values)

    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    csv/.style = {col sep = comma, row sep = newline, numeric type},

minimal 14.svg

Generate a table from a csv file and color every other row


csv alternate table.svg

Add a table caption and a label for cross references

\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue}
    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    tabular/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = \\, string type},
    tblr/.style = {begin table = \begin{tblr}, end table = \end{tblr}},
    hlines/.style = {
        every head row/.style = {before row = \hline, after row = \hline},
        every last row/.style = {after row = \hline},
    centering/.style = {
        begin table/.add = {\parskip=0pt\par\nopagebreak\centering{}}{},
        end table/.add = {}{\par\noindent\ignorespacesafterend{}},
Each person gets assigned a number listed in table \ref{tab:identifiers} on page \pageref{tab:identifiers}.
    Name & Identifier \\
    Carl & 3 \\
    Peter & 7 \\
    Lara & 1 \\
}\caption{People's identifiers}\label{tab:identifiers}

minimal 9.svg

Use german number seperator and align at exponent in scientific representation

    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    csv/.style = {col sep = comma, row sep = newline, numeric type},
    hlines2/.style = {
        every head row/.style = {before row = \toprule, after row = \midrule},
        every last row/.style = {after row = \bottomrule},
    german/.style = {dec sep={,\!}, 1000 sep ={\,}},
\pgfplotstabletypeset[csv,hlines2,german,sci sep align]{resources/data.csv}

minimal 11.svg

Allow table to split across multiple pages

    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    csv/.style = {col sep = comma, row sep = newline, numeric type},
    hlines2/.style = {
        every head row/.style = {before row = \toprule, after row = \midrule},
        every last row/.style = {after row = \bottomrule},
    longtable/.style = {
        begin table = \begin{longtable},
        end table = \end{longtable},
        every head row/.append style = {
            after row/.append = \endhead
\,\vspace{15cm} % Force table to split

longtable combined.svg

Each person gets assigned a number listed in table \ref{tab:identifiers} on page \pageref{tab:identifiers}.
    Name & Identifier \\
    Carl & 3 \\
    Peter & 7 \\
    Lara & 1 \\
}\caption{People's identifiers}\label{tab:identifiers}

caption label table.svg

Use german number seperator and align at exponent in scientific representation

\pgfplotstableset{booktabs,center,german,sci sep align}

german scisepalign table.svg

Allow table to split across multiple pages

\,\vspace{15cm} % Force table to split

longtable combined.svg

Hlines like bookstabs

    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    tabular/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = \\, string type},
    hlines2/.style = {
        every head row/.style = {before row = \toprule, after row = \midrule},
        every last row/.style = {after row = \bottomrule},
    Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3 \\
    Data 1 & 10 & 20.5 \\
    Data 2 & 15 & 30.7 \\
    Data 3 & 20 & 40.9 \\
    Data 4 & 25 & 50.1 \\
    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    tabular/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = \\, string type},
    tabularray/.style = {begin table = \begin{tblr}, end table = \end{tblr}},
    hlines/.style = {
        every head row/.style = {before row = \hline, after row = \hline},
        every last row/.style = {after row = \hline},
    Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3 \\
    Data 1 & 10 & 20.5 \\
    Data 2 & 15 & 30.7 \\
    Data 3 & 20 & 40.9 \\
    Data 4 & 25 & 50.1 \\

minimal 1.svg

Vlines and hlines

    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    tabular/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = \\, string type},
    tabularray/.style = {begin table = \begin{tblr}, end table = \end{tblr}},
    hlines/.style = {
        every head row/.style = {before row = \hline, after row = \hline},
        every last row/.style = {after row = \hline},
    vline/.style = {every first column/.style = {column type=l|,string type}},
    Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3 \\
    Data 1 & 10 & 20.5 \\
    Data 2 & 15 & 30.7 \\
    Data 3 & 20 & 40.9 \\
    Data 4 & 25 & 50.1 \\

minimal 2.svg

Shade every second row

    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    tabular/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = \\, string type},
    tabularray/.style = {begin table = \begin{tblr}, end table = \end{tblr}},
    hlines/.style = {
        every head row/.style = {before row = \hline, after row = \hline},
        every last row/.style = {after row = \hline},
    hshade/.style = {every even row/.style = {before row = {\SetRow{gray9}}}},
    Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3 \\
    Data 1 & 10 & 20.5 \\
    Data 2 & 15 & 30.7 \\
    Data 3 & 20 & 40.9 \\
    Data 4 & 25 & 50.1 \\

minimal 3.svg

    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    tabular/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = \\, string type},
    tabularray/.style = {begin table = \begin{tblr}, end table = \end{tblr}},
    hlines2/.style = {
        every head row/.style = {before row = \toprule, after row = \midrule},
        every last row/.style = {after row = \bottomrule},
    hshade2/.style = {every even row/.style = {before row = {\rowcolor[gray]{0.9}}}},
    Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3 \\
    Data 1 & 10 & 20.5 \\
    Data 2 & 15 & 30.7 \\
    Data 3 & 20 & 40.9 \\
    Data 4 & 25 & 50.1 \\

minimal 4.svg

$z$      & 0                       & 4                                 & 12                       \\
$p_Z(z)$ & $p_X(0) = \dfrac{1}{6}$ & $p_X(-4) + p_X(4) = \dfrac{1}{2}$ & $p_X(12) = \dfrac{1}{3}$ \\
\RequirePackage{float} % By default place tables at precisely their location in the code
\RequirePackage{booktabs} % Horizontal lines around table and header
    booktabs/.style = {
        every head row/.style = {
            before row = \toprule, 
            after row = \midrule
        every last row/.style = {
            after row = \bottomrule
    center/.style = { % Horizontally align the table in the center of the page
        begin table/.add = {\parskip=0pt\par\nopagebreak\centering{}}{},
        end table/.add = {}{\par\noindent\ignorespacesafterend{}},
    tabular/.style = { % Read default tabular values
        col sep = &, 
        row sep = \\,  
        string type,
    csv/.style = { % Read comma seperated values
        col sep = comma,
        row sep = newline,
    german/.style = { % Use german number seperators
        dec sep={,\!}, 
        1000 sep ={\,},
        every first column/.style={
            column type=l|,
            string type,
    noheader/.style = {
        header = false, % don't detect header
        every head row/.style={output empty row},  % removes the automatic header
         every last row/.style = {
            after row = {} % clear bottom line
\RequirePackage{colortbl} % Color every other row
    alternate/.style = {
        every even row/.style= {
            before row={\rowcolor[gray]{0.9}}
\RequirePackage{longtable} % Allow table to split across multiple pages
    longtable/.style = {
        begin table = \begin{longtable},
        end table = \end{longtable},
        every head row/.append style = {
            after row/.append = \endhead
    tabularray/.style = {
        begin table = \begin{tblr},
        end table = \end{tblr},
        every head row/.style = {
            before row = \hline, 
            after row = \hline
        every last row/.style = {
            after row = \hline
        % every head row/.style = {
        %     before row = \toprule, 
        %     after row = \midrule
        % },
        % every last row/.style = {
        %     after row = \bottomrule
        % },

Add custom styling

  • add overleaf style to replace default middle column type to be still use Overleaf’s visual table editor

Styling setup

Manually add the file yetenol-styles.sty

\RequirePackage{float} % By default place tables at precisely their location in the code
\RequirePackage{booktabs} % Horizontal lines around table and header
    booktabs/.style = {
        every head row/.style = {
            before row = \toprule, 
            after row = \midrule
        every last row/.style = {
            after row = \bottomrule
    center/.style = { % Horizontally align the table in the center of the page
        begin table/.add = {\parskip=0pt\par\nopagebreak\centering{}}{},
        end table/.add = {}{\par\noindent\ignorespacesafterend{}},
    tabular/.style = { % Read default tabular values
        col sep = &, 
        row sep = \\,  
        string type,
    csv/.style = { % Read comma seperated values
        col sep = comma,
        row sep = newline,
    german/.style = { % Use german number seperators
        dec sep={,\!}, 
        1000 sep ={\,},
\RequirePackage{colortbl} % Color every other row
    alternate/.style = {
        every even row/.style= {
            before row={\rowcolor[gray]{0.9}}
\RequirePackage{longtable} % Allow table to split across multiple pages
    longtable/.style = {
        begin table = \begin{longtable},
        end table = \end{longtable},
        every head row/.append style = {
            after row/.append = \endhead

Example files

Add a comma-seperated spreadsheet to resources/data.csv

# Convergence results
# fictional source generated 2008


    /pgfplots/compat = 1.17,
    tabular/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = \\, string type},    tblr/.style = {begin table = \begin{tblr}, end table = \end{tblr}},
    longtblr/.style = {begin table = \begin{longtblr}{}, end table = \end{longtblr}, skip coltypes},
    tabular/.style = {col sep = &, row sep = \\, string type},
    hlines/.style={every table/.append code=\SetTblrInner{
        hline{1,Z}={\heavyrulewidth},hline{2}={\lightrulewidth} }},
    dash3rd/.style = {every nth row = {3}{before row = \hline[dashed]}},
    splitonce/.style = {every row no 4/.style = {after row = \pagebreak}},
    every last column/.style = {column name = {\pgfmathsetmacro{\halfrows}{int((\pgfplotstablerows-1)/2)}\halfrows},%
        postproc cell content/.append style={%
    /pgfplots/table/@cell content/.add={}{\pgfplotstablerows}}},
    every table/.append code=\SetTblrInner{ row{\pgfplotstablerows}={font=\bfseries} }
    Header 1 & Header 2 & Header 3 \\
    Row 1 & Data & Data \\
    Row 2 & Data & Data \\
    Row 3 & Data & Data \\
    Row 4 & Data & Data \\
    Row 5 & Data & Data \\
    Row 6 & Data & Data \\
    Row 7 & Data & Data \\
    Row 8 & Data & Data \\
    Row 9 & Data & Data \\
    Row 10 & Data & Data \\


         Name & Identifier \\
        Carl & 3 \\
        Peter & 7 \\
        Lara & 1 \\    
    \caption{\centering Each person gets an identifier}