Over the Garden Wall is a television series releases from 2014 about Animation, Short, Adventure. It is from the United States written by Katie Krentz, Patrick McHale starring Elijah Wood, Collin Dean, Melanie Lynskey.
Two brothers find themselves lost in a mysterious land and try to find their way home.
Somewhere, lost in the clouded annals of history, lies a place that few have seen. A mysterious place called The Unknown… Two Brothers, Wirt and Greg find themselves lost in the strange woods, adrift in a time. With the help of a shadowy Woodsmen and a foul-tempered bluebird named Beatrice, they travel through the foggy land in Hope of finding a way home.
It has 1 seasons with 1 hour, 50 minutes long episodes in English. On IMDb, 70,775 people gave it an average rating of 8.8 out of 10 stars.